
· $19.00 to walk per week (16 weeks)

· Western Lakes Fees are $304.00 + prize fund of $20.00 =  $324.00 total

· First payment of $172 due on April 9th with  below registration form.  Or you may pay the full payment of $324.00

· Final payment of $152 due on May 14th

· Golf Carts Optional

· Paid in full for season $7.00 for 16 weeks = $112

· Paid Weekly - $8.00 per person paid in golf shop before round.

· Includes one Make-up Pass for (1) week

$172.00 per Golfer
1 to 2 Golfers 56
$324.00 per Golfer
1 to 2 Golfers 44
$152.00 for the entire registration
1 Golfer Unlimited